We optimise performance
to unleash your revenue potential.


Lysna helps companies embed the foundations and strategies they need to truly realise their potential and scale the right way.


A playbook tailored to your business and market, designed to deliver increased productivity and revenue.

How we do it.

Sales Excellence

Sales excellence is about repeating the traits and behaviours of your top performers and replicating them across your wider team. It’s about on boarding new team members at unprecedented speed, and decreasing ramp time so they start contributing to the revenue number sooner.

Operational Excellence

Operational excellence is ensuring your go-to-market team is aligned, focused and contributing towards the company's strategic objectives. 

Analytics & Coaching

Analytics & coaching giving you full visibility over sales conversations and performance results, delivered in a digestible and collaborative way. Training only goes so far, so ongoing connection to best-practice tactics result in greater conversion and revenue attainment.


What People Are Saying.


“I have met plenty of people who are great at sales. I’ve met a handful who can teach and train it. I’ve met very few who can architect and execute a revenue system that will scale. John Craig and the Lysna team are all three. They are ninja’s and I’m immensely grateful to have Lysna guiding my company.”

— Toby Jenkins, Founder & CEO, North

“All great businesses come from solid foundations and the Lysna team have been crucial in the practical strategy and implementation of the sales foundations to scale our business. John and the team have customised the solution with us, and have listened and worked with our team every step of the way.”

— Paul Hoon, CEO, etrainu

“Too many companies scale their sales teams without the right processes and foundations in place. Lysna support you in parallel, embedding the systems your teams need to be successful, all while they continue to chase revenue.”

— Nick Bonney, Founder & CEO, JourneyMakr


We change the way you work, perform and grow.